So about 2 months after we got engaged, Ryan got layed off from his job. It was a shocking & difficult day, but we have total faith in God that everything will work according to His plan. And His plan is the best plan! Far better than anything we could come up with. Of course, planning a wedding, you're always wondering about the unexpected, and this certainly through us for a loop. I give thanks that God has blessed us with two sets of incredibly supportive parents, and we are moving right along to August 29th.
Which brings me to the reason for this post. We just wanted to throw Ryan's job situation out there and ask for your prayers & thoughts during this time. Ryan is going to Charlotte today for a job interview! Pray for his safety on the road and for a good experience up there tomorrow.
Another request - Ryan's grandma is coming home from Warm Springs Rehab center tomorrow! Praise the Lord! Keep her & the Duckworth family in your prayers :)
discovering quinoa
15 years ago