still printing programs...
Today I got some interesting mail! The first was an article from my sister about a historic monument in front of First Christian Church, where we are getting married. It's a monument for Emily Tubman, and she was a member of the church. Her husband Richard wanted all his slaves to be freed when he died, but the Georgia Legislature denied him. So Emily offered to fund moving them to Liberia or to have them choose to continue to work for her. A third moved to Liberia and took her last name in her honor. The others stayed with her, and later in her life she was able to free them and give them land. She was a pretty amazing, giving woman...she also became a good businesswoman and donated much of her money to her church and schools. So, when you come to the wedding, and you see this monument right outside the front door, you'll know what it's for and the story behind it. You can read more about her on First Christian's
website. I think the article originally came out of the
Augusta Spirit, but I don't see it on their website. The
Augusta Chronicle has a cool little article though.

Another letter I got was from Macy's and Wedgwood/Royal Doulton. It was an apology letter, saying sorry for the ridiculously long shipping times for items on our registry. I know someone bought us 1 place setting of Royal Doulton, our fine china, and it's not supposed to arrive until...drum roll...November!! Yikes. So, if you too have been wondering what was up with their shipping times...I still don't have an answer for you except that they are aware of the problem and they're trying to ameliorate the situation. And that this is a Macy's/Wedgwood/Royal Doulton universal problem, not just for me & Ryan. I guess that makes me feel a little better.

This has nothing to do with mail, except for the fact that I got the mail about 3 hours after I did this:

Got my nails done! There's not really any place in Augusta I trust, so I got them done up here in Atlanta. Hopefully they'll last til Sat. Raegan told me not to wash any dishes, and I should be fine. Haha! Music to my ears. Plus I just wanted to show off my ring again. It looks a lot better on manicured hands, hehe.