Wednesday, August 5, 2009

guess now it's official

bonus points for you if you can guess what song the subject line came from :)

Today, we took one step closer to be officially married on 8/29 - the marriage license!

Now, I don't know about you, but my political leanings favor a government that makes the most of my tax money, not wastefully spends it etc. Can I tell you that getting the license was a pretty inefficient and silly process? First we got the form. Then we had to fill it out, but oh no, we couldn't sit anywhere we pleased, we had to sit at a certain counter, even though the closer tables had marriage license signs on them. Hmmm. I wanted to say "you know, my tax money probably paid for part of this table that you won't let me sit at, even though there is NO ONE else around." Then we presented not 2 forms of ID, but just one. Our drivers licenses. I guess GA doesn't really question who you are. The clerk took her time and then we had to go to yet another counter to pay and then come back to the original counter. Whew. I really wanted to say something about this convoluted process but I saved my rant til after we got outside. And I saved my rant for tonight so I could share it with all of you. Did anyone else have a similar experience? Or is this just a Fulton County anomaly?

Another funny note - free group weddings on Fridays at the courthouse. I almost want to go just to witness it!

Anyway, there it is. The license. It expires in a year so no worries about that! Haha. And we actually paid for it with a monetary gift from one of the ladies at my church back home. So thank you Mrs. Rooks :) And it was discounted because of our premarital counseling. Yay! Dr. Jon gets to sign the license on 8/29 and then we send that back off to the govt and then get our real marriage certificate. Yippee!!

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